Thursday, December 11, 2008

Conference Call Service

The Solution to Connect People Around the World
By Ethan D Orman

The entire concept of a conference call service has grown to unbelievable proportions, people are using conference calls to connect with people around the world. The idea behind a conference call service is to allow people a fast and convenient way to stay connected.

Business trends and needs definitely change and move in new directions all the time. One of your goals should be to allow your business to grow, and with the ability to use conference calling you can do so with people all over the world.

It is very simple to use a conference call service, and it is something every business can benefit from. Keep in mind that the larger branch of people-- you have the more it is going to cost to get them all to one location. This is why many businesses don't do it, but the lack of communication may cause problems within the business.

It is difficult to pay to get everyone together, let alone schedule time that coincide for everyone's calendar. It also doesn't make sense to be in the air for hours, get a hotel room, and then fly back after spending a couple of hours in a business meeting. A better option is to have a conference call set up-- you can work most of the day, log into the phone system, be a part of the conference, and then go back to the rest of your day. This is an excellent way to get the most out of your time.

Communication is a very huge part of any successful business. With the help of conference call service, you can easily reach everyone you need to. It allows you to really expand your business as well. You aren't going to be limited at all to the physical location of those that you work with. It allow allows you to confidently go after business deals with companies all over the world. You are no longer restricted by location and that can mean plenty of growth for your own business. If you aren't using conference calling then you need to put it into action.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Free Teleconference Software for your Computer

If you are new to the whole internet-conferencing in order to hold teleconferences for your business there is definitely a lot to learn. However, the amount of information that you must know about to hold internet teleconference meetings is quite easy to understand and involves practically little work at all on your part.

The basic principle of the internet teleconference meetings that you should understand, though, is that some software requires DSL or broadband, while there are still some pieces of software that will allow for dial-up internet connections. However, it's important to note that if you have a DSL, broadband, or cable internet connection then your ability to use the teleconference meeting software increases. There will definitely be less hassle and the whole process will be quicker than if using dial-up internet connections.

If you are ready to begin your teleconference meeting, though, then you probably need some sort of software in order to initially set up your teleconference meeting. Fortunately there are several types of teleconference meeting pieces of software that don't cost a penny. These are also the same types of software that work incredibly well and don't come with any extra adds. Of course, there are also some versions of teleconference software that allow other special privileges, but the basic types of teleconference software will allow for audio-video presentations. This means that not only will you be able to speak during your teleconference but you can also include a live-feed of yourself through your web cam, among other things.

A few of the free type of teleconference pieces of software include Skype, PalTalk, VRVS, EarthLink Conference Manager, as well as GnomeMeeting. All of these are free software that allow teleconferencing. Even though some of them include different options and are set up differently, the basic idea of these free teleconference pieces of software remains the same: the ability to hold successful teleconference meetings using internet connections.

One free type of teleconference software is called Global Live Talk. This also works basically the same as the rest of the programs listed above, however, it allows for media conferencing, text chatting, as well as PowerPoint Presentations that can be directly uploaded so that the members of the teleconference can actively participate in the meeting. Global Live Talk is definitely one of the better internet conference meeting rooms to consider.

There are all sorts of benefits to using a free teleconference software for the goals that you wish to accomplish. First, the people that you are bringing together will be able to quickly, easily, and efficiently access the meeting room. There is no need for an actual phone to be used because the virtual conference room works just fine! All things considered, though, if you are a business owner or an employer then a free internet teleconference software is definitely something that needs to be looked into. Not only would it be incredibly effective for business meetings, but it would also increase the efficiency of your workforce as well!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tips for your Next Teleconference

Whether you are the host of a teleconference meeting or you are a participant there are certain things that you should know about teleconferencing. However, hosts of teleconference meetings usually have more responsibilities than participants do just because of the fact that they are the ones who are putting on the meeting in the first place. If you have tried to have successful teleconference meetings in the past, but they were unsuccessful, then it may be time to try a few new tricks of the trade in order to get more things done. Here are some great tips if you are about to host a teleconference via the web or a telephone.

Teleconference Tip 1: Don't Assume.

Even though you may know everything there is to know about the business or program that you are promoting or explaining, the other people on the teleconference may know very little. It is very easy to assume that the participants already know some of what you are talking about, but it is extremely important to clarify yourself anyway. Even if there are some people on the teleconference who do know what you are talking about it is certainly okay for the host to explain in case there are participants who have never experienced and been involved with the type of program that you are discussing.

Another thing that you don't want to assume is that certain people have already signed onto the teleconference meeting. This is especially important on regular telephone teleconference meetings. Because the sound that you hear may only be a small buzz when someone enters and exits the conference call there may be some people who do not introduce themselves as soon as they enter. So if you are counting on a specific person to be there the best thing to do would be to wait for introductions in order to find out if he or she was able to make it to the teleconference.

Teleconference Tip 2: Use Time Wisely

No one likes a time-waster and the same is true for the participants of the teleconference call. The great majority of people who attend teleconference meetings simply want to find out more information about what the meeting is all about. Since finding out information is the basic goal of the majority of people who are participating then chances are that they don't want to hear a lot of anecdotal stories about how your day went today. On the contrary, keeping the teleconference meeting to the minimum and not wasting everyone's time is what many people would like to achieve from the conference call.

Teleconference Tip 3: Ask for Questions

In order to cater to every personality type who is listening in on the teleconference call it would be a good idea to ask for questions at the end of the presentation. There may be some people who are hesitant about asking questions anyway, which would be a good idea to invite them.

All three of these tips are excellent ways to not only have a successful teleconference meeting, but also to keep the focus of the meeting on track. After all, if it turns out that you do have a successful teleconference meeting then chances are that more people will be attending the next one that you host.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

GoToMeeting : The Best Teleconference Software

Among the many programs and applications that people have to choose from on the internet to host their teleconference, there are only a handful of programs that are actually worth the salt that's put into them.
Many of the creators of these programs know that teleconferencing on the internet has become very important over recent years, which is the main reason that there are so many free and paid teleconference programs that can be found. However, many people have found that nothing good in life is free, and the same holds true for programs of teleconferencing. The best programs, in this case, should be paid for and there are several excellent programs on the internet designed to do the job right.

One of these programs is called GoToMeeting. This is basically like any other free application for a teleconference on the web, except for the fact that it includes more service and more features than free programs normally include. The program GoToMeeting is actually a great program for all types of business professionals and there are many ways in which you can use the program. For example, if there is a product demonstration that needs to be done then the whole event can be completed entirely online through the program GoToMeeting. Whether you want to have five people watch the demonstration or you want to have fifty people be able to see it there is plenty of room for everyone at this virtual meeting place.

Another reason to use GoToMeeting is if you need collaborative workspace. Many professional businesses are already using GoToMeeting as their first source of having their employees work on large projects together. As mentioned earlier, as little as 5 people can be in on one of these teleconference meetings, although hundreds of people can work at the same time if need be. Along with collaborative workspace, though, comes the fact that presentations are also able to be viewed while working with GoToMeeting. PowerPoint and other presentation media forms can be used with this program so that everyone can view the presentation instead of conglomerating around a small round table.

Why should you Choose GoToMeeting?

As you can see, this program can be used for virtually all of your teleconference needs. But there are a couple more reasons why the program stands out from all the rest. For example, GoToMeeting is the most cost-effective teleconferencing software because it allows you to either pay by the month, year, and there are only flat fees. For the program that you buy you are able to deploy and unlimited number of teleconferences each month and year.

Of course, there are also different levels of the services and features that you can receive with this company. For example, a few of the levels of the program include GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting Corporate, as well as GoToWebinar. All of these programs have slightly different features for the different reasons that they need to be operated during a teleconference.

All things considered, though, GoToMeeting is definitely the best possible choice when looking for options for a teleconference software. Not only do they have comprehensive plans to offer, but this program is among the top-rated in the teleconference software industry!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Teleconference Training

Teleconferences are very important to a whole lot of people because they bring so much to the table for many purposes. In the beginning, though, teleconferences were used for casual purposes when two or more people would engage in the concept of the "three-way call." However, as times have changed so have the methods and purposes that people have used teleconference meetings for. There are many reasons to use teleconference meetings in your daily life and a couple of the more important reasons for using them will be explained in more detail here.

Using Teleconferences to Train

One of the greatest benefits to using teleconference meetings through the phone and through the web is that information can be gathered and sent our virtually in a matter of minutes to a whole lot of people. This is especially important for employers. Some employers who have regular employees are able to hold teleconference meetings in the form of web seminars in order to train new employees about the matter of the business. This is actually a great reason to use teleconferencing technology and there are many ways that this can be done.

The first way employers can use web conferencing technology is to have their new employees watch a previously recorded training web seminar in order to understand their job responsibilities. This is a very good way for new employees to learn the ropes; however, it may not be totally sufficient in order to fully train new people. On the other hand, live web conferences can be interactive and the teleconference meeting could possibly engage the new employees and the president of the company that they're working for. Even though the president of the company is usually located off-site remotely some place, it is entirely possible to engage him or her in a teleconference meeting with new employees.

Using Web Conferences to Telecommute

Another reason to use teleconference meetings is for employers who prefer to work with their employees remotely. There are actually a lot of employers who hire remote employees to work in their organization in another city or even another state. Fortunately, web conferencing is a great way, and probably the sole way, to effectively train these people. Considering the fact that most web teleconference software will enable an employer to not only be present and show new remote employees a presentation about the business, but they are able to go in-depth with the new employees to have them trained in no time.

For the purpose of hiring employees remotely, a web conference is actually a very good place to start. New employees can actually interact with each other, while long-time employees can be in on the web teleconference also just to answer questions from interested employees that would like to learn from them. There is no doubt about it that there are many ways to effectively use web conferencing technology in order to train new employees in your organization, though. Teleconference technology has definitely evolved very far in recent years and there are no signs of it slowing down anytime soon!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Importance of a Teleconference

Have you ever just sat back on your computer chair and just stared at the great marvel and man-made invention that everyone calls the computer and the internet? If you haven't then you definitely should ponder the greatness of these two man-made capabilities, for there are great things that have already come out of them. Furthermore, there are still great things that are about to come forth. But one of those technologies that has made its debut just a short time ago is the teleconference. A teleconference is so great because it allows people on the opposite side of the world to be connected instantly through a piece of teleconferencing software! Teleconferencing software is great to use while connected to the internet, and you’ll see why below! There are all sorts of ways in which a teleconference can be used and here are some of those ways in which it is already being used:

Clubs and Organizations

There are all sorts of clubs and organizations that are able to use the teleconference software over the internet in order to hold the very precious meetings that they have every week, month, or certain times of the year. Even though the great majority of clubs and organizations have not yet tapped the power of the internet told teleconference club meetings, the capability is certainly there. Consider a 4-H club, Boy Scouts, or even Girl Scouts that are able to hold their club meetings over a teleconference. Furthermore, consider large non-profit organizations, like the Red Cross, who routinely hold meetings at regular buildings. This would not only cut down on costs for non-profit organizations but it would also add to the creativity and ingenuity of the club!

Stock Holder's Meetings

If you are a small-to-mid-size company then you could definitely benefit from using teleconference software in order to hold meetings for your stock holders. For example, teleconferences are currently used by these companies in order to disseminate information about the particular company. Stock holders are always concerned about the matter of the company that they have invested in and teleconference meetings help them to gain that information.

However, a teleconference can also be conducted over the internet and many small-to-mid-size companies have not yet fully tapped into the teleconference software that's available. Of course there is free teleconference software, but there are also professional-looking applications that can be gotten a hold of for small fees. The price of these pieces of software are definitely worth it and companies are smart if they go ahead and do just that!

There are plenty more ways in which teleconferences are used throughout individuals' lives. Even though the traditional way to think about a teleconference is a 3-way call or a multi-way phone call with limitless members, a revolution on the internet has occurred with the introduction of teleconference calling over the internet. These types of teleconference introduce whole new capabilities and are very important to the businesses people conduct on a daily basis!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Teleconference Etiquette

If you regularly attend or host teleconference calls then you probably already know much of the teleconference etiquette that will be gone over. However, if you have never been a participant or have never hosted a teleconference then there are certain rules of etiquette, spoken and unspoken, that you need to know. In other words, there are certain actions that you need to take for fear of being called rude by the other members of the teleconference meeting, and these will all be explained here.

The first thing that you need to know about being a participant of a teleconference call is that other people generally don't like to hear background noise on your phone. Not only do many people consider background noise to be a rude part of the teleconference meeting, but what would happen if everyone on the teleconference call meeting had a great deal of background noise? What would most likely happen is that the meeting would be unsuccessful because there would be so much background noise that would block out the important parts of the meeting information.

So instead of having the meeting blocked out by background noise, there is a simple fix for this problem and the solution is your Mute button. Most phones (unless really antiquated) do come with a Mute button and all you need to do is press that Mute button to get rid of the background noise that's coming from your office or house. Of course, this also means that by pressing the Mute button you will also not be able to speak unless you un-mute the phone. All things considered, though, the Mute button is handy and probably serves a good purpose for teleconference meetings.

The second thing that participants of teleconference meetings need to be aware of is that they probably should hold all of their questions until the end unless otherwise noted. Interrupting the teleconference meeting is very rude, especially for small questions that could be held until the end anyway. In teleconference meetings there is usually a specified part of the meeting that is designated for a Questions and Answers session, and this is the part in which every member can ask the questions that they want to hear.

On the flip side, if you are the host of the teleconference call then there are also some important guidelines to follow when hosting the meeting. For example, if you have advertised that the meeting will be held at 7pm then the meeting should commence at that time. No one likes a rude host or hostess and pushing back the meeting to wait for late-comers is not something that most people want to do. Pushing back the start of the meeting inconveniences those dedicated individuals who got on the teleconference at 7pm sharp.

All of these bits of information are important to having a good and successful teleconference call meeting. Participants and hosts both need to be aware of these guidelines for teleconference calls if they are to be a success!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Teleconference Basics

If you have ever attended a teleconference with one of your friends then you may just be wondering what all goes into giving a teleconference meeting. Fortunately, the basics of a teleconference meeting are not difficult at all to understand. The only thing that it takes is a little hard work and dedication to having one of the most successful conferences on the planet.

Picking Your Topic

But the first thing that you must know about teleconference meetings is that they are usually centered on a specific topic. For example, people who are interested in cats may form a teleconference meeting that is aimed to discuss all the creative ways to play with your cat or some of the plaguing issues surrounding the health of their cats. Once you have your topic then the next step is to figure out how you want to set the meeting up. In other words, what types of things do you want to cover? Just as cat lovers are able to cover health and play topics, so should you have some sub-topics in mind when creating a teleconference meeting.

Decide How You want to Portray It

One of the more interesting things surrounding the teleconference meetings is the variety of ways that they can be held. For example, the traditional teleconference is conducted over the phone with multiple people listening in. This concept is very simple, but what happens when you move the whole thing to the internet and the World Wide Web? If you are going to set everything up as a professional, you certainly do have a right to charge people in order to get in the teleconference meeting. This method is actually how many people make money and can be very successful, assuming that you have an interesting topic to present to everyone.

Be On Time

Since this is your teleconference meeting that you're hosting then the best thing that you want to remember is that first impressions count. In other words, the participants of the teleconference don't want to attend a meeting where the host of the presentation isn't even there yet. In addition, there are other unspoken rules of etiquette that the host should be aware of. For starters, hosts of teleconference meetings want to make sure that they never leave their audience stranded for any reason, including answering your cell phone! Additionally, participants of a teleconference meeting usually want it to start on time, end on time, and not get off track or off topic for any reason. These are actually fairly easy and fair expectations that participants have of their teleconference host, which is the main reason that you should be aware of them before hosting a conference meeting.

One last thing that you should know about your teleconference meeting is how you will end it. Will you be giving out your private phone number to those who want to discuss private matters? Will you set up a date and time for the next teleconference meeting? All of these things are issues that one needs to think about before starting their teleconference. But after you figure out all of this then it will be definitely time to get the show on the road and finally present your teleconference meeting to the world!